


/FrontEnd with ReactJS & Redux Online Course (Self Paced)

FrontEnd with ReactJS & Redux Online Course (Self Paced)


9 modules


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Learn ReactJS and Become FrontEnd Developer


In this React JS Online Course (Self Paced) you will learn things to become a professional in web development, prepare for User Interface Development and UX aware using React JavaScript library. By going through this course you will learn the fundamentals of React web framework for developing user interfaces. Topics like Java Script Revision, Setting up of ReacJS project, JavaScript XML (JSX), Concept of React Props, State Object, Handiling Events using ReactJS, Reducers in ReactJS, ReactJS Forms & Actions and much more !!!

NOTE: All the videos are the actual recordings of LIVE Classes conducted by Us. So there may be some question & answers in between the sessions. 

Key Highlights

Learn React JS at your own pace

Understand components and props

Explore state management with React Hooks

Build interactive user interfaces

Create single page applications

Practice with hands-on coding exercises

Get access to online resources and support

Work on a complete React project

What you will learn

React JS Fundamentals

Master the core concepts and principles of React JS for building dynamic web applications.

Component-Based Development

Learn how to design and build reusable components to create modular and scalable applications.

State Management with React

Understand how to manage state efficiently in React applications using tools like Redux or Context API.

Designing User Interfaces

Explore best practices for designing intuitive and interactive user interfaces with React JS.

React Hooks and Effects

Discover the power of React Hooks and effects to simplify state management and side effects in functional components.


1 JavaScript Recap

37 attachments • 6 hrs

1.1 variables

1.2 Dataypes

1.3 string built-in methods

1.4 split method

1.5 built-in array methods

1.6 Difference between length and index

1.7 loose equality and strict equality

1.8 looping

1.9 while loop

1.10 if-else statements

1.11 nested if

1.12 factorial

1.13 break and continue statement

1.14 scopes

1.15 functions

1.16 arrow functions

1.17 callback function

1.18 timer functions

1.19 hoisting

1.20 objects

1.21 methods

1.22 this keyword

1.23 for in loop

1.24 dom

1.25 query selector and query selector all

1.26 innertext and inner html

1.27 adding styles and className through js

1.28 parent-child sibling

1.29 for each loop event listener

1.30 Advanced Array built in methods

1.30.1 for each method

1.30.2 map method

1.30.3 filter method

1.30.4 reduce method

1.30.5 flat method

1.30.6 find index method

1.30.7 display date and time

2 Introduction to ReactJS

15 attachments • 1 hrs

2.1 Building Blocks of Web Application Development

2.2 Single-page and Multi-page Applications

2.3 Different Client-side Technologies

2.4 MVC Architecture

2.5 Introduction to React


2.6 creating react app

2.7 file structure of react app

2.8 introduction to jsx


2.9 events

2.10 why we don’t use variables

2.11 DOM

2.12 Virtual DOM and its working

2.13 ECMAScript

2.14 Difference between ES5 and ES6

2.15 NPM Modules

3 Components and Styling the Application Layout

22 attachments • 2 hrs

3.1 React Elements

3.2 Render Function

3.3 Components

3.4 Class Component

3.5 States in class components

3.6 Props in class component

3.7 Life cycle methods in class component

3.7.1 Component Did Mount(class)

3.7.2 Component Did Update(class)

3.7.3 Component Will Un Mounting(class)

3.8 Functional component

3.9 States in functional component

3.10 Props in functional component

3.11 Life cycle methods in functional component

3.11.1 UseEffect

3.11.2 UseRef

3.12 Forms in React

3.13 Form validation

3.14 Styling in react

3.15 Inline styling

3.16 Custom module

3.17 Building Music Shop Application using React Components

4 Handling Navigation with Routes

14 attachments • 53.35 mins

4.1 Routing


4.1 Routing(continued)

4.2 React-router

4.3 Features of react-router

4.4 Configuration of routing using react-router

4.5 Navigation using Links

4.6 404 page (Not found Page)

4.7 URL Parameters

4.8 Nested Routes

4.9 Implementing styles using NavLink

4.10 Application Programming Interface

4.11 Build a REST API using json-server

4.12 API consumption in React application using Fetch method

4.13 Build a dynamic Music Store application using Routing and API connectivity

5 React State Management using Redux

11 attachments • 29.84 mins

5.1 Need of Redux

5.2 What is Redux?

5.3 Redux Architecture

5.4 Redux Action

5.5 Redux Reducers

5.5 Redux Reducers

5.6 Redux Store

5.7 Principles of Redux

5.8 Pros of Redux

5.9 NPM Packages required to work with Redux

5.10 More about react-redux package

6 Asynchronous Programming with Saga Middleware

12 attachments

6.1 Need of Async operations

6.2 Async Workflow

6.3 Action Creators

6.4 How to write Action Creators?

6.5 Handling Async Actions via Reducers

6.6 Middleware

6.7 Redux-Saga

6.8 Generators in Redux-Saga

6.9 Saga Methods()

6.10 Major Sections of Redux-Saga

6.11 Building a Product List application using Redux-Saga Middleware

6.12 Debugging application using Redux Devtools

7 React Hooks

12 attachments

7.1 Caveat of JavaScript classes

7.2 Functional components and React hooks

7.3 What are React hooks?

7.4 Basic hooks

7.5 useState() hook

7.6 How to write useState() hook when state variable is an array of objects

7.7 useEffect() hook

7.8 Fetch API data using useEffect() hook

7.9 useContext() hook

7.10 Rules to write React hooks

7.11 Additional hooks

7.12 Custom hooks

8 Fetch Data using GraphQL

15 attachments

8.1 What is GraphQL?

8.2 Cons of Rest API

8.3 Pros of GraphQL

8.4 Frontend backend communication using GraphQL

8.5 Type system

8.6 GraphQL datatypes

8.7 Modifiers

8.8 Schemas

8.9 GraphiQL tool

8.10 Express framework

8.11 NPM libraries to build server side of GraphQL

8.12 Build a GraphQL API

8.13 Apollo client

8.14 NPM libraries to build client side of GraphQL

8.15 How to setup Apollo client

9 React Application Testing and Deployment

8 attachments

9.1 Define Jest

9.2 Setup Testing environment

9.3 Add Snapshot testing

9.4 Integrate Test Reducers

9.5 Create Test Components

9.6 Push Application on Git

9.7 Deploy App on Nginx

9.8 Create Docker for React Application


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Yes, our platform is designed to be accessible on various devices, including computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. You can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

How can I access the course materials?

Once you enrol in a course, you will gain access to a dedicated online learning platform. All course materials, including video lessons, lecture notes, and supplementary resources, can be accessed conveniently through the platform at any time.

Can I interact with the instructor during the course?

Absolutely! we are committed to providing an engaging and interactive learning experience. You will have opportunities to interact with them through our community. Take full advantage to enhance your understanding and gain insights directly from the expert.

About the creator

About the creator


Tech Talents is founded by a Group of Industry professionals who are alumni of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College of Engineering (Campus), Hyderabad

Our Team consists of a strong of highly qualified and experienced Industry professionals from IT services & Engineering Services Domains.

We have expertise in designing & developing websites and web applications with rich UI/UX capabilities and Content writing services. Please visit www.TechTalents.in for more details


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